Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Day 5

We started the day with a video message from Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL). She is the most senior Republican woman in Congress and has proven to be a trusted ally in our ongoing fight to get important legislation like HR-82, the Social Security On-line Privacy Act, HR-1110, which would amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow federal and military retirees to pay health insurance premiums on a pre-tax basis, HR-4236, the Mail Network Act of 2007. She went on comment on how she had toured postal facilities and seen mail handlers at work. We then went through our normal formalities, i.e. invocation, pledge of allegiance, and house keeping announcements followed by another video message from Congressman Christopher Shays (R-CT).

Congressman Shays spoke on the importance of electing a President who can have an influence on the National Labor Relations Board, Universal Health Care and the passage of the Employee Free Choice Act. All of these things together would positively effect the quality of work life for the members of the NPMHU.

We also viewed a video message from Representative Henry Waxman (D-CA), chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, the principal investigative committee of the House. Representative Waxman has a reputation for a vigorous approach to oversight land is well known for insisting that witnesses appearing before his subcommittee testify under oath, thus exposing them to perjury charges if they didn't tell the truth. He is responsible for The Subcommittee on Federal Workforce, Post Office, and the District of Columbia (Chaired by Danny Davis) which is a standing committee within the United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Its jurisdiction includes federal employee issues, non-appropriation municipal affairs of the District of Columbia, and the Postal Service, including post office namings, holidays, and celebrations. So as you can imagine, this alliance is really a very important one.

We then listened to the Report of the Legislative and Political Committee. We also viewed a short video on the upcoming election and voted on the recommended resolutions presented by Committee Chairman Brother Rudy Santos (Local 320). Ten (10) resolutions were presented and all were passed by the Delegates overwhelmingly. The most important of these ten in my opinion was No. 10 - The Endorsement of Barack Obama for U.S. President. To see all ten, you can go to this link http://www.npmhu.org/Pubs/News/2008Convention/cv080815.asp.

The day's session concluded with a presentation given by Roger Blacklow, Legislative and Political Director and Bob Losi, Assistant Legislative and Political Director. These two Brothers are responsible for giving the NPMHU a "face" on Capital Hill. They are equally responsible for providing strategies, guidance, and materials to Locals in our quest to make our members more aware of our plans Right Here! Right Now! as they relate to the upcoming Presidential Election and any/all legislative matters. If you have any questions as they relate to your Hatch Acts rights, Roger suggests that you speak with him immediately. Contact me and I will get you his contact info.

After hearing Roger and Bob's presentation, I was suddenly reminded of something Brother O'Sullivan had said about the upcoming election. He stated that if we (the Democratic Party) can not get Barack Obama elected with all that we have been through with our current president, there is just no hope. I think as leaders of this national / local union, we have a solemn duty to go back to our respective Locals and by whatever means necessary, first educate (sound the alarm) and make sure that all of our members, their family members, our friends, their family members, and whomever else is of voting age, is registered to vote and that they vote when the time comes. Failure is not an option!